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Carson Dellosa Summer Bridge Activities Workbook, Grades PreK - K
About This Item
Don’t let your preschool child’s knowledge dry up over summer break! Prevent summer learning loss in just 15 minutes a day. Perfect for at home or on-the-go, Summer Bridge Activities: Bridging Grades PreK-K keeps kids busy with interesting learning activities all summer long!Give your soon-to-be kindergartener a head start on their upcoming school year with Summer Bridge Activities: Bridging Grades PreK-K. With daily, 15-minute exercises kids can review colors, shapes, and letters and learn new skills like addition, subtraction, and vowel sounds. This workbook series prevents summer learning loss and paves the way to a successful new school year. 160 pages. Grades PreK to K.
ISBN Number:
Maximum Age:
6 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade K