Childcare Centre Supplies & Furniture

Providing a safe, nurturing childcare environment for all ages just got easier. From furniture solutions and safety products to cleaning and office supplies, see how our wide selection can equip your centre.

baby gate in a daycare

Health & Safety Supplies

More than first aid, we stock everything to keep kids safe. Safety gates, cabinet locks, fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide detectors, corner guards, and more are in stock and ready to ship.

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teacher child cleaning table

Cleaning Supplies

Essentials for maintaining safe and sanitary environments, even for the smallest infants. Cleaners, wipes, sprays, and more for use on toys and in childcare centers for kids of all ages.

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early childhood room

Furniture & Equipment

Everything needed to set up the environments young minds and bodies require to develop, whether tailored to resting, eating, playing, or learning.

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adult working in an office making copies

Childcare Management Supplies

Childcare may be a calling but it is also a business. Find the essential supplies to make your office and facility run efficiently.

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Featured Childcare Centre Spaces

Explore curated environments designed to accommodate the specific developmental stages of children.

infant classroom

Infant Space

From tummy time to sensory play, creating an environment to engage the youngest learners aids their development.

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toddler classroom

Toddler Space

Emerging motor skills unlock myriad early learning opportunities for toddlers, and the right environment helps them explore.

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prek room

Pre-K Space

Dedicated to the emerging social, emotional, and physical development of children, this space is equipped for this time of profound growth.

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Keep kids active, engaged, and healthy

Shop After-School Programs & Camp Essentials

Shop Early Learning Materials

When you know you're included, you feel that you belong.

Shop Inclusion