Shop All:Carson Dellosa
Carson Dellosa Summer Bridge Activities Workbook, Grades 5 - 6
About This Item
Don’t let your fifth grade graduate’s knowledge dry up over summer break! Prevent summer learning loss in just 15 minutes a day. Perfect for at home or on-the-go, Summer Bridge Activities: Bridging Grades 5-6 keeps kids busy with interesting learning activities all summer long!Give your soon-to-be sixth grader a head start on their upcoming school year with Summer Bridge Activities: Bridging Grades 5-6. With daily, 15-minute exercises kids can review decimals and using commas and learn new skills like ratios and word connotations. This workbook series prevents summer learning loss and paves the way to a successful new school year. 160 Pages. Grades 5 to 6.
ISBN Number:
Maximum Age:
12 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 6