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Didax Tactile Sandpaper Upper and Lowercase Letters Cards
About This Item
Didax Sandpaper Tactile Upper and Lowercase Letters Card Set is designed for beginners and students with special needs. These cards are covered with fine yellow sand and allows students to link between the physical movement and the actual letter shapes. The set includes 26 standard upper case and lower case letters along with two alternative forms of i & t and each of the card measures 4-5/16 in L x 2-3/4 in W.Features
- Sandpaper letters is an excellent resource for your tactile learners, as well as reinforcing fine motor skills for younger learners
- Very useful resource for home or classroom learning activities, and helps students with special needs by providing sensory input to their literacy skills
- Durable plastic cards
Includes:26 Cards
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
7 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 2