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Plant Cell Meiosis Model
About This Item
This model is a 3D rendering of the process of meiosis cell division in a plant cell. The model is made of tough fiberglass molded cell models on a sturdy MDF backboard and has clearly labeled phases. The cells are shown in great detail with vibrant colors and provide an internal view of the chromosomal shifts that occur throughout the process of meiosis in a plant cell.Features
- Contains 3D images of the phases of meiosis cell division of a plant
- Model built on sturdy MDF backboard
- All phases represented with 3D cell representations cut laterally to show inside cell
- Each cell phase and key details clearly labeled. Key located at base of model backboard
- Each cell has painted chromosomes to show the chromosomal movement taking place
Product Dimensions:
On 24 x 18" base
Maximum Age:
Maximum Grade Level: