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Innovating Science Chromatography of Plant Pigments

Innovation Science Chromatography of Plant Pigments 2134304
Item #: 2134304
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In this activity, students will extract the various pigments from green plant material and separate the pigment using chromatography.

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About This Item


Chlorophyll is the most prevalent and well-known plant pigment related to photosynthesis. It is not, however, the only plant pigment necessary for photosynthesis to occur. Other pigments are involved in the process. These pigments are often overlooked as they tend to be masked by the abundance of the green pigment chlorophyll.Students will not only confirm the presence and learn the role of these "hidden" pigments but also learn about chromatography as a technique for separating molecules. Kit contains enough materials for 15 groups and includes Teacher's Manual and Student Study Guide copymasters.


  • Provides hands-on science learning for students
  • Easy to use kit is perfect for students and beginners
  • Ideal for classrooms, labs and home school lessons
  • Includes:
    • 250mL Chromatography Solvent 9-1 (Petroleum Ether/Acetone)
    • 100mL Plant Pigment Extraction Solvent (Ethanol)
    • 15 Microscope Slides
    • 15 pc Chromatography Paper
    • 15 Capillary Tubes
    Maximum Age: 18+
    Maximum Grade Level: HS+
    Allergens: Contains No Allergens
    Certifications: ISO Certified
    Grade Level: Grades 6-12
    Safety: Caution Icon. No Choking Hazard
    SUOM Description: Each
    Age Range: 12+
    Brand Name: Innovating Science
    Description: Chromatography Plant Pigments
    Innovating Science Chromatography of Plant Pigments