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Kemtec Analysis of Fingerprints Kit
About This Item
Kemtec Analysis Of Fingerprints Kit for grades 10 - 12 includes instructor manual, student data sheets and MSDS. Kit is designed to help students in developing latent fingerprints from various surfaces and provides an opportunity to learn standard techniques of dusting for fingerprints using a variety of powders. Students develop prints on paper by lifting fingerprints from slides, using both Ninhydrin method and the Lugol's Iodine method. Student's uses the cyanoacrylate fuming method to visualize a fingerprint on a metal spoon and learns to identify direct prints. Kit helps each investigative group to prepare "fingerprint evidence" for another class group that assists to analyze with the Modus Operandi sheets. Kit requires fume hood, 1 qt 6 jars or 1 l beakers. The group identifies the fingerprints of the suspects with the aid of fingerprint standards developed by the FBI. Kit is ideal for 24 students working in 6 groups of 4. It meets national standards.- Instructor Manual
- Student Data Sheets
- msds
- "FBI" Fingerprint Classification Sheets
- Bond Paper
- Filter Paper
- Gloves
- Pipet
- Fingerprint Brushes
- Magnifying Glasses
- Forceps
- Jars With Caps
- Metal Spoons
- Aluminum Foil
- Superglue
- Ink Pads
- Scotch Tape
- String
- Microscope Slides
- Index Cards
- Modus Operandi Sheets
- Aluminum Powder
- Carbon Black
- Ninhydrin
- Acetone
- Iodine
Not Applicable
Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens