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Kemtec Plant Cancer Kit
About This Item
Now cancer can be investigated in the lab, not just discussed in your classroom. Students safely study the various aspects of cancer cell growth with this totally self-contained kit (a fresh carrot will be required, and is not included). Students explore various aspects of cancerous cell growth and learn to explain the differences between a normal cell and a cancer cell, describe similarities and differences between animal and plant cancers, identify cancer cells, identify a plant cancer or gall, and research current theories on the causes of cancer. Students grow their own sunflower plants; then induce crown gall by inoculating plant tissue with Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which is required for inducing the cancerous growth. Students then do a Koch's Postulates Experiment: Inducing Cancer in Carrot Tissue. Target grades 9 to 12, but can also be used at the college level. Instructions included for acquiring required permit; coupon item ships upon request and only in Continental US. Allow time for these processes.- Instructor Manual and Student Workbook (includes reconstitution of cultures sheet)
- Methods of Assessment Manual
- Material Safety Data Sheets
- Crown Gall Disease Sheets
- Noble Agar
- Proprietary Solvent
- Sodium Hypochlorite
- Nutrient Broth
- Sterile Petri Dishes
- Sunflower Seeds
- Audio Tape
- Color Slides
- Tumefaciens Culture (Lyophilized)
Maximum Age:
18 years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12
Contains No Allergens
Not Applicable
Grade Level:
Middle-High School
No Choking Hazard

SUOM Description:
Age Range:
12 - 18 years
Brand Name:
Plant Cancer Kit
Kemtec Plant Cancer Kit