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Kemtec Robbery At Anytown Mall Forensic Kit
About This Item
Kemtec Robbery At Anytown Mall Kit allow students to solve the crime presented in this hands-on CSI activity. It will employ the scientific method to analyze hair, fiber, fabric, blood, fingerprints and handwriting. It includes instructional manual and reproducible student worksheets. It is designed for 24 students working in six groups of four. It meets national standards for grade levels 7 - 11.- Instructor Manual
- Student Manuals
- Silk Sample
- Cotton Sample
- Linen Sample
- Polyester Sample
- Wool Sample
- Cat Hair
- Human Hair
- Dog Hair
- Police Envelope
- Suspect Envelope Randy
- Suspect Envelope Martha
- Suspect Envelope Paul
- Suspect Envelope John
- Signature Cards
- Hand Lens
- Cover Slips
- Microscope Slides
- Wooden Sticks
- Red Litmus Paper
- Tweezers
- Toothpicks
- Hema-Tag Label A&B
- Hema-Tag Label Rh
- Mounting Media
- Anti A Serum, Simulated
- Anti B Serum, Simulated
- Anti Rh Serum, Simulated
- Simulated Blood, Type A
- Simulated Blood, Type B
- Simulated Blood, Type O
- Simulated Blood, Type AB
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
12 years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12