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Shell Education 180 Days of Reading for Fourth Grade
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Turn over a new leaf for your young readers with this literacy resource book. Packed with fun and effective daily practice activities, it's the perfect at-home learning (and summer slide prevention) aid!
About This Item
Encourage fourth students to build their reading comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and word study skills using daily practice activities. Great for after school, intervention, at-home learning or homework, teachers and parents can help students gain regular practice through these quick, diagnostic-based activities that correlate to Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Both fiction and nonfiction reading passages are provided as well as data-driven assessment tips. Softcover resource book for Grade 4 features 240 pages; copyright 2020 (ISBN: 9781425809256). Teacher resources are available via digital download (see link below).Features
- Reading activity book features daily short passages to build and gauge students' reading comprehension, word study, phonics and written responses to literature
- Grade 4 students will gain confidence and regular reading practice through quick, independent and diagnostic-based activities that aligned to both fiction and non-fiction standards
- Teachers and parents can quickly assess student understanding with the downloadable resources, easy to follow instructions, and answer key
- Workbook with reproducible worksheets provides excellent literacy resource for at-home learning, whole class instruction or small group support
- Teacher-approved reading activity book can be used for at-home learning, to reinforce learning at school, or to prevent learning loss over summer
- One Daily Practice Workbook for Grade 4 Reader
ISBN Number:
Maximum Age:
10 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 5