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Trend Enterprises Sight Words Bingo - Set of 46 Words and 36 Playing Cards
About This Item
Practice reading 46 words from common vocabulary lists. Unique, six-way format adapts to a variety of skill levels, and is a fun learning supplement for small groups or the entire class. Set includes 36 playing cards, over 200 chips, caller's mat and cards, and a sturdy storage box. Standard Focus: fluency, print awareness, spelling.Features
- Sold as an Each
- Learn sight words through a classic game of Bingo
- Unique, six-way format adapts to a variety of skill levels
- Bingo set includes 36 play cards with markers used for large group or repeated play
- Ideal for children ages 4 and up
- (36) Playing Cards
- Over 200 Chips
- Sturdy Storage Box
- Caller's Mat and Cards
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Contains No Allergens