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Teacher Created Materials The State of Texas, Grade 4 to 5, Set of 8, Spanish
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These engaging books, translated into Spanish, connect Texas to American history. Book features include engaging text, primary sources, content-area vocabulary, sidebar, photographs, map, glossary, and index.The titles in this 8-book collection include: Los indígenas americanos de Texas: Conflicto y supervivencia (American Indians in Texas: Conflict and Survival), Descubriendo Texas: Exploración en nuevas tierras (Finding Texas: Exploration in New Lands), La colonización de Texas: Misiones y colones (The Colonization of Texas: Missions and Settlers), La revolución de Texas: La lucha por la independencia (The Texas Revolution: Fighting for Independence), La anexión de Texas: De la República al Estado (The Annexation of Texas: From Republic to Statehood), Guerra, ganado y vaqueros: Texas como un estado joven (War, Cattle, and Cowboys: Texas as a Young State), Texas en el siglo xx: Construyendo industria y comunidad (Texas in the 20th Century: Building Industry and Community), Texas hoy: Guiando a los Estados Unidos hacia el futuro (Texas Today: Leading America into the Future).
ISBN Number:
Maximum Age:
13 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 7