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Teacher Created Materials TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers Grade 2, Set of 30, Spanish
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Motive and inspire your readers with high-interest and engaging text that is current and relevant.
About This Item
Teacher Created Materials Spanish TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers is an ideal choice to learn how to make a gingerbread man, discover how plants grow and much more with the 30 attention-grabbing titles. This supplement reading program helps to build your classroom library and enhances intervention program with high-interest nonfiction leveled books. Jump into the life of a frog with this intervention program. Book describes different themes from science, mathematics and social studies concepts effectively. Contains familiar concepts, high-interest content from TIME for kids and a variety of colorful graphics. Supplement reading program includes variety of text structures, academic and domain-specific vocabulary. Set of 30. Grade 2.Features
- High interest content from TIME For Kids
- Variety of text structures and Academic and domain-specific vocabulary
- Complex informational text aligned to the content areas
- Identical set available in English
- Title: Informational Text Readers Spanish
- Visita a una fábrica de automóviles (A Visit to a Car Factory)
- Visita a una granja (A Visit to a Farm)
- Visita a una base de la Marina (A Visit to a Marine Base)
- Próxima parada: México (Next Stop: Mexico)
- Próxima parada: Canadá (Next Stop: Canada)
- Próxima parada: El Caribe (Next Stop: The Caribbean)
- ¡Terremotos! (Earthquakes!)
- ¡Tornados y huracanes! (Tornadoes and Hurricanes!)
- ¡Volcanes! (Volcanoes!)
- Águilas de cerca (Eagles Up Close)
- Caballos de cerca (Horses Up Close)
- Serpientes de cerca (Snakes Up Close)
- Artesanía: Vidrio soplado (Craft It: Hand-Blown Glass)
- Construye: Rascacielos (Build It: Skyscrapers)
- Hazlo: Chocolate (Make It: Chocolate)
- Entra al bosque (Step into the Forest)
- Entra al desierto (Step into the Desert)
- Entra al bosque lluvioso (Step into the Rainforest)
- Nuestra Tierra (Our Earth)
- El espacio exterior (Outer Space)
- El sistema solar (The Solar System)
- Mira adentro: Tu cerebro (Look Inside: Your Brain)
- Mira adentro: Tu esqueleto y músculos (Look Inside: Your Skeleton and Muscles)
- Mira adentro: Tu corazón y pulmones (Look Inside: Your Heart and Lungs)
- ¡Cuenta conmigo! La feria de la escuela (Count Me In! School Carnival)
- ¡Cuenta conmigo! El torneo de fútbol (Count Me In! Soccer Tournament)
- ¡Cuenta conmigo! ¿Qué hay de almuerzo? (Count Me In! What's For Lunch?)
- George Washington (Spanish Version)
- Martin Luther King Jr. (Spanish Version)
- Susan B. Anthony (Spanish Version)
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 2
ISBN Number: