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Teacher Created Materials TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers Grade 3, Set of 30, Spanish
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Motive and inspire your readers with high-interest and engaging text that is current and relevant.
About This Item
Teacher Created Materials Spanish TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers is an ideal choice to learn how to make a gingerbread man, discover how plants grow and much more with the 30 attention-grabbing titles. This supplement reading program helps to build your classroom library and enhances intervention program with high-interest nonfiction leveled books. Jump into the life of a frog with this intervention program. Book describes different themes from science, mathematics and social studies concepts effectively. Contains familiar concepts, high-interest content from TIME for kids and a variety of colorful graphics. Supplement reading program includes variety of text structures, academic and domain-specific vocabulary. Set of 30. Grade 3.Features
- High interest content from TIME For Kids
- Variety of text structures and Academic and domain-specific vocabulary
- Complex informational text aligned to the content areas
- Identical set available in English
- Title: Informational Text Readers Spanish
- Un día en la vida de un vaquero (A Day in the Life of a Cowhand)
- Un día en la vida de una bailarina (A Day in the Life of a Ballet Dancer)
- Un día en la vida de un bombero (A Day in the Life of a Firefighter)
- Mercados alrededor del mundo (Markets Around the World)
- Juegos alrededor del mundo (Games Around the World)
- La escuela alrededor del mundo (School Around the World)
- ¡A volar! Todo sobre aviones (Take Off! All About Airplanes)
- ¡Todos a bordo! Cómo funcionan los trenes (All Aboard! How Trains Work)
- ¡Zoom! Cómo funcionan los carros (Zoom! How Cars Move)
- Mamífero manía (Mammal Mania)
- Reptiles y anfibios reptantes (Slithering Reptiles and Amphibians)
- Los invertebrados increíbles (Incredible Invertebrates)
- Todo acceso: Una casa de modas (Backstage Pass: Fashion)
- Excavar: Una obra de construcción (Big Digs: Construction Site)
- Qué dulce: Dentro de una panadería (Sweet: Inside a Bakery)
- Los pastizales africanos (African Grasslands)
- La selva amazónica (Amazon Rainforest)
- El desierto del Valle de la Muerte (Death Valley Desert)
- Despegar hacia el campamento espacial (Blast Off to Space Camp)
- La exploración del espacio (Space Exploration)
- La vida en el espacio (Living in Space)
- Los cinco sentidos (The Five Senses)
- El sistema digestivo (The Digestive System)
- El ciclo de vida del ser humano (The Human Life Cycle)
- ¡Al bate! Historia del béisbol (Batter Up! History of Baseball)
- ¡Pégale! Historia de las herramientas (Hit It! History of Tools)
- ¡Cómpralo! Historia del dinero (Buy It! History of Money)
- Mohandas Gandhi (Spanish Version)
- Roberto Clemente (Spanish Version)
- Jane Goodall (Spanish Version)
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 2
ISBN Number: