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Teacher Created Materials TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers Grade 4, Set of 30, Spanish
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Motive and inspire your readers with high-interest and engaging text that is current and relevant.
About This Item
Teacher Created Materials Spanish TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers is an ideal choice to learn how to make a gingerbread man, discover how plants grow and much more with the 30 attention-grabbing titles. This supplement reading program helps to build your classroom library and enhances intervention program with high-interest nonfiction leveled books. Jump into the life of a frog with this intervention program. Book describes different themes from science, mathematics and social studies concepts effectively. Contains familiar concepts, high-interest content from TIME for kids and a variety of colorful graphics. Supplement reading program includes variety of text structures, academic and domain-specific vocabulary. Set of 30. Grade 4.Features
- High interest content from TIME For Kids
- Variety of text structures and Academic and domain-specific vocabulary
- Complex informational text aligned to the content areas
- Identical set available in English
- Title: Informational Text Readers Spanish
- ¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert)
- ¡Supervivencia! Océano (Survival! Ocean)
- ¡Supervivencia! Jungla (Survival! Jungle)
- Insectos constructores (Bug Builders)
- Animales arquitectos (Animal Architects)
- Ciudades salvajes (Wild Cities)
- En el juego: La vida de un atleta (In the Game: An Athlete's Life)
- En escena: La vida de un CSI (On the Scene: A CSI's Life)
- Detrás del lienzo: La vida de un artista (Behind the Canvas: An Artist's Life)
- ¡Sin resolver! Casos misteriosos (Unsolved! Mysterious Events)
- ¡Sin resolver! Lugares misteriosos (Unsolved! Mysterious Places)
- ¡Sin resolver! Misterios de la historia (Unsolved! History's Mysteries)
- ¡Desafiando la gravedad! Escalada en roca (Defying Gravity! Rock Climbing)
- ¡Hang Ten! Surf (Hang Ten! Surfing)
- ¡Última vuelta! Carreras de kartings (Final Lap! Go-Kart Racing)
- Hablemos claro: La verdad sobre la comida (Straight Talk: The Truth About Food)
- Hablemos claro: Fumar (Straight Talk: Smoking)
- Hablemos claro: Alcohol y drogas (Straight Talk: Drugs and Alcohol)
- Increíble pero real: Anatomías asquerosas (Strange but True: Gross Anatomy)
- Increíble pero real: Animales extraños (Strange but True: Bizarre Animals)
- Increíble pero real: Criaturas diminutas (Strange but True: Tiny Creatures)
- Helen Keller: Una nueva visión (Helen Keller: A New Vision)
- Nelson Mandela: Marcando el camino (Nelson Mandela: Leading the Way)
- Anne Frank: Una luz en la oscuridad (Anne Frank: A Light in the Dark)
- Una mano al corazón: Mejorando las comunidades (Hand to heart: Improving Communities)
- Una mano a la pata: Protegiendo los animales (Hand to Paw: Protecting Animals)
- Una mano a la Tierra: Salvando el medio ambiente (Hand to Earth: Saving the Environment)
- Tecnologiá: Hazañas y fracasos (Technology: Feats and Failures)
- Cuerpos al límite: Hazañas y fracasos (Physical: Feats and Failures)
- Ingeniería: Hazañas y fracasos (Engineering: Feats and Failures)
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 4
ISBN Number: