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Teacher Created Materials TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers Grade 5, Set of 30, Spanish
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Teacher Created Materials Spanish TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers is an ideal choice to learn how to make a gingerbread man, discover how plants grow and much more with the 30 attention-grabbing titles. This supplement reading program helps to build your classroom library and enhances intervention program with high-interest nonfiction leveled books. Jump into the life of a frog with this intervention program. Book describes different themes from science, mathematics and social studies concepts effectively. Contains familiar concepts, high-interest content from TIME for kids and a variety of colorful graphics. Supplement reading program includes variety of text structures, academic and domain-specific vocabulary. Set of 30. Grade 5.Features
- High interest content from TIME For Kids
- Alignment to Common Core State Standards
- Variety of text structures and Academic and domain-specific vocabulary
- Complex informational text aligned to the content areas
- Identical set available in English
- Title: Informational Text Readers Spanish
Includes: Demonios de la profundidad (Demons of the Deep); Peligro en el desierto (Danger in the Desert); Terror en los trópicos (Terror in the Tropics); Siglo XX: Carrera hacia la luna (20th Century: Race to the Moon); Siglo XXI: Misterios del espacio sideral (21st Century: Mysteries of Deep Space); Siglo XXII: El futuro del espacio (22nd Century: Future of Space); Chicas y chicos malos de alta mar (Bad Guys and Gals of the High Seas); Chicas y chicos malos del Lejano Oeste (Bad Guys and Gals of the Wild West); Chicas y chicos malos del mundo antiguo (Bad Guys and Gals of the Ancient World); Un día de trabajo: Oficial de policía (All in a Day's Work: Police Officer); Un día de trabajo: Médico de emergencias (All in a Day's Work: ER Doctor); Un día de trabajo: Animador (All in a Day's Work: Animator); Hacer que el dinero crezca (Making Money Grow); ¿Dónde va tu dinero? (Where Does Your Money Go?); De la pobreza a la riqueza (From Rags to Riches); Animales del mar en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Sea); Animales del desierto en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Desert); Animales de la jungla en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Jungle); ¡Brumm! Velocidad y aceleracion (Vroom! Speed and Acceleration); ¡Pop! Presion del aire y del agua (Pop! Air and Water Pressure); ¡Fsst! Fricción y resistencia (Drag! Friction and Resistance); ¡Intrépidos! Dobles de riesgo (Fearless! Stunt People); ¡Trabajo salvaje! Entrenadores de animales (Wild Work! Animal Trainers); ¡Capturas peligrosas! Pescadores de alta mar (Dangerous Catch! Deep Sea Fishers); Desastres naturales que marcaron la historia (Unforgettable Natural Disasters); Noticias que marcaron la historia (Unforgettable News Reports); Catástrofes que marcaron la historia (Unforgettable Catastrophes); A la vanguardia: Adelantos en tecnología (The Cutting Edge: Breakthroughs in Technology); Pequeños poderosos: Cosas diminutas - grandes resultados (Mighty Micros: Little Things - Big Results); and ¡Acción! Filmando películas (Action! Making Movies)
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 5
ISBN Number: