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Teacher Created Materials TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers Set 2, Grade 2, Set of 10, Spanish
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Motivate students to read by providing them with engaging, high-interest material that is relatable.
About This Item
These TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers, written in Spanish, are designed to motivate and prepare readers for more challenging text with engaging TIME FOR KIDS(R) content. Each book introduces new vocabulary, diagrams and graphics combined with science and social studies themes. 24-28 pages per book. Guided Reading Level: I-M.Features
- High interest content from TIME For Kids
- Alignment to Common Core State Standards
- Variety of text structures and Academic and domain-specific vocabulary
- Complex informational text aligned to the content areas
- Identical set available in English
- Visita a una granja (A Visit to a Farm)
- Próxima parada: Canadá (Next Stop: Canada)
- ¡Tornados y huracanes! (Tornadoes and Hurricanes!)
- Caballos de cerca (Horses Up Close)
- Construye: Rascacielos (Build It: Skycrapers)
- Entra al desierto (Step into the Desert)
- El espacio exterior (Outer Space)
- Mira adentro: Tu esqueleto y mùsculos (Look Inside: Your Skeleton and Muscles)
- ¡Cuenta conmigo! El torneo de fútbol (Count Me In! Soccer Tournament)
- Martin Luther King Jr. (Spanish Version)
Contains No Allergens
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