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Teacher Created Materials TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers Set 2, Grade 4, Set of 10, Spanish
About This Item
Reading is an adventure with these engaging TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers written in Spanish! Each book features engaging layouts, TIME FOR KIDS(R) content, high-interest photographs, informational text, vocabulary and sidebars. Guided Reading Level: Q-S.Features
- High-interest content from TIME FOR KIDS®
- Variety of text structures and academic and domain-specific vocabulary
- Complex informational text aligned to the content areas
- Integrate science, social studies, and mathematics content into language arts instruction
- Identical set available in English
- ¡Supervivencia! Oceano (Survival! Ocean)
- Animales arquitectos (Animal Architects)
- En escena: La vida de un CSI (On the Scene: A CSI's Life)
- ¡Sin resolver! Lugares misteriosos (Unsolved! Mysterious Places)
- ¡Hang Ten! Surfin (Hang Ten! Surfing)
- Hablemos claro: Fumar (Straight Talk: Smoking)
- Increíble pero real: Animales extraños (Strange but True: Bizarre Animals)
- Nelson Mandela: Marcando el camino (Nelson Mandela: Leading the Way)
- Una mano a la pata: Protegiendo los animales (Hand to Paw: Protecting Animals)
- Cuerpos al límite: Hazañas y fracasos (Physical: Feats and Failures)
ISBN Number:
Maximum Age:
10 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 5