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Shell Education 180 Days of Spelling and Word Study for Fourth Grade
About This Item
Supplement your language arts block with 180 days of daily spelling and word work practice! This fourth grade spelling workbook provides teachers with weekly spelling and word study units that are easy to incorporate into the classroom or home. Perfect for after school, intervention, or homework, teachers and parents can help students gain daily practice through these quick activities that correlate to state and national standards. Arranged into weekly units, the worksheets feature fun activities for fourth grade students such as analogies, homophones, sentence completions, sentence types, inflectional endings, prefixes, suffixes, roots, synonyms, antonyms, and more! The repetitive structure helps students focus on the words rather than the activities and allows for more independent practice. Provide fun, engaging, and purposeful practice for your students with this must-have student workbook that includes digital materials.Features
- Build students’ knowledge of spelling rules, conventions, and patterns
- Add daily word study to literacy block
- Engage student with word lists and activities that include sentence completions, synonyms and antonyms, prefixes and suffixes
Includes 1 workbook with digital resources
ISBN Number:
Maximum Age:
10 years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 4