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NewPath Learning Math Curriculum Mastery Games Class Pack Edition, Grade 3
About This Item
The NewPath Learning Grade 3 Math Curriculum Mastery Class-Pack Game is written by teachers using research-based principles and is extensively classroom-tested to ensure efficacy. Contains enough materials for an entire class of up to 36 students, including 25 sets of 30 standards-based review cards and 12 double-sided, laminated game boards. Also includes comprehensive Teacher Planning/Resource Guide and a free 1-year Premium Class Online Subscription to access interactive content, activities and assessments. Covers: Odd & Even; Double Digit Addition; Double Digit Subtraction; Regrouping; Money to $5; Giving Change from $1.00; Ordering & Comparing Numbers; Greater Than/Less Than; Estimation; Place Value; Story Problems; Expanding Numbers; Comparing Fractions; Equivalent Fractions of ½; Multiplication Facts; Open Number Sentences; One Operation Function; Time; Congruent Shapes; Temperature; Perimeter; Probability; Graphs; Determine Appropriate Standards of Units; and Measurement.Features
- The Grade 3 Math Curriculum Mastery Class-Pack Game provides an engaging, game-based means to review and reinforce standards-based curriculum concepts
- Includes enough materials for up to 36 students to play simultaneously
- Features 12 double-sided, theme-based game boards and 25 individually packaged sets of 30 full-color, self-answering question cards per topic – a total of 750 curriculum-based review questions
- Also includes a comprehensive Teacher Planning & Resource Guide with standards correlations, instructions and tips for effective classroom use
- FREE 1-Year Premium Subscription included provides access to games, interactive activities, quizzes and more
Grade 3 Math Curriculum Mastery Class Pack Game Includes:
- 12 Laminated, double-sided games boards
- 25 sets of 30 illustrated, self-checking question cards
- Assorted Game Pieces for Up to 36 Players
- Teacher Planning & Resource Guide
- FREE 1-Year Premium Subscription to NewPath Online Learning Platform featuring games, interactive exercises, quizzes and more
- Durable storage box for all materials
Not Applicable
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 3
Contains No Allergens