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Creative Teaching Pres Math Minutes Book, Grade 7
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Creative Teaching Press "Math Minutes" Book for grade 7 assists the students to increase overall math fluency by practicing math skills with timed constrain. It has 100 "Minutes" with each "Minute" consisting of 10 classroom-tested problems of varying degrees of difficulty that insist the students to solve within 1 or 2 minutes. It helps the students to become masters in math concepts in a manageable, nonthreatening manner. Book featuring quick and timed drills challenges with instant feedback motivates students to learn math with fun. It covers math concepts such as multiplication, division, problem solving, probability, graphing, place value, algebra and functions, geometry, square roots, percents, decimals, fractions, number sense, measurement, spatial connections, math vocabulary and more. Book makes students to apply learned mathematical relationships in complex and realistic problems in less time.
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