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Evan-Moor Daily Math Practice, Grade 5
About This Item
Evan-Moor Daily Math Practice Book for grade 5 helps to keep skills sharp with focused practice presented in standardized testing formats. Book of 112 pages comes with 36-week progressive program along with scope, sequence charts and answer keys.Features
- Computation: multidigit addition with and without regrouping, multidigit subtraction with and without regrouping, multidigit multiplication and division, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of decimals and fractions
- Number: base ten system, word/standard forms, place value, rounding, estimation, properties/relationships, and much more
- Patterns/Algebra: figural patterns, numerical patterns, expressions, function tables, equations
- Geometry/ Spatial: 2-dimentional shapes, 3-dimentional shapes, symmetry, congruency, spatial, angle
- Measurement: weight, capacity, time, temperature and much more
- Data/Probability: coordinate graphing, constructing graphs, interpreting graphs, range, mode and much more
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