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NewPath Learning Protists: Pond Microlife Bulletin Board Chart Set
About This Item
Protists Bulletin Board Chart Set includes a collection of 8 separate posters, each covering a separate, curriculum topic. Uniquely designed, while one side can be posted for student reference, the reverse features dry-erase activities perfect for individual student review or as a learning center activities! Graphic images and hands-on activities combine to provide comprehensive coverage of essential student skills and cover the current state and national standards – including Next Generation Science (NGSS).Features
- Laminated
- 18 x 12 inches
- Double-sided; one side, overview of topic, other side, write-on/wipe -off activities
Includes the Following Charts: Plant-Like Protists Euglena Volvo Spirogyra Animal-Like Protists Amoeba Paramecium Fungus-life Protists
Product Dimensions:
12 x 18 x 0.125 in
Maximum Age:
Maximum Grade Level: