Shop All:Drophoops
Sportime 26 in Suspended Drophoops Basketball Goal
About This Item
Drophoops with net is constructed using the same light-weight, rugged polymer tubing and offers inclusive shooting experience for your students. Includes three suspension struts snap on to the existing goal and are ensured with integrated hook and loop straps. Students capable of hitting the 10 ft high regulation goal can continue unimpeded by the DropHoop's existence. The Drophoop which suspends 26 in below the existing hoop is featured with a 22 in diameter goal and 7 ft 10 in in height.Features
- Instead of pr2, they need only calculate the r2 differences between 81 (9 x 9) and 121 (11 x 11)
Not Applicable
Maximum Grade Level:
Middle School
Contains No Allergens