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Rand McNally Atlas of World Geography
About This Item
RM Education Rand McNally & Co. Atlas of World Geography Program for grades 6 to 12 measures 8-1/2 in x 11 in and includes a pack of 30 student atlases and 1 teacher's guide. Features more than 65 highly detailed physical and political maps and thematic maps that show plate tectonics, population, land use, climate and more. Atlas includes 20 pages of graphs, charts and tables that provides comparative information about physical, political, economic and cultural features of the world and special continent sections highlights such themes as deforestation in South America. The teacher's guide of 132 pages is designed to increase students' ability to obtain and interpret information from maps, tables, graphs and text in the atlas. It also features 38 reproducible, two-page student activities for teacher-directed activities, independent classroom work or homework.Features
- Thematic maps show plate tectonics, population, land use, climate, and more
- Twenty pages of graphs, charts, and tables provide comparative information about physical, political, economic, and cultural features of the world
- Special continent sections highlight such themes as deforestation in South America
- Designed to increase students' ability to obtain and interpret information from maps, tables, graphs, charts, and text in the atlas
- 132 pages, including 38 reproducible, two-page student activities for teacher-directed activities, independent classroom work, or homework
- CD-ROM includes all reproducible student activity sheets and outline map
- Title: World Geography
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