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Edvotek DNA Fingerprinting PCR Amplification Kit
About This Item
Edvotek DNA Fingerprinting by PCR Amplification Kit contains instructions, Ready-to-Load QuickStrip DNA samples, UltraSpec-Agarose powder, practice gel loading solution, electrophoresis buffer, InstaStain blue and flashblue stain, calibrated pipette and micro tipped transfer pipettes. It includes sufficient materials for 6 gels. Kit helps students to learn more about forensic DNA fingerprinting that has become a universally accepted crime-fighting tool. Recent advances make use of the polymerase chain reaction to amplify human DNA that is taken from crime scenes. Kit allows to perform experiment based on a crime scene scenario with an inquiry-based component. Students require electrophoresis apparatus, automatic micropipette and tips, balance, microwave or hot plate, visualization system, power supply to conduct the experiment.
Not Applicable
Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens