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Edvotek DNA Paternity Test Simulation Kit
About This Item
Edvotek DNA Paternity Test Simulation Kit contains instructions, Ready-to-Load QuickStrip DNA samples, practice gel loading solution, UltraSpec-Agarose powder, electrophoresis buffer, microtipped transfer pipets, calibrated pipet, InstaStain Blue and FlashBlue stain. It introduces students to the use of DNA fingerprinting in a simulated paternity determination. In this experiment, a child's DNA fingerprint is compared with his parents. The experiment does not include human DNA. The required supplies to perform this experiment are electrophoresis apparatus, power supply, balance, microwave or hot plate, visualization system, automatic micropipette and tips.- Instructions
- Ready-to-load Quickstrip DNA Samples
- Ultraspec-agarose Powder
- Practice Gel Loading Solution
- Electrophoresis Buffer
- Microtipped Transfer Pipets
- Calibrated Pipet
- And Instastain Blue And Flashblue Stain
Not Applicable
Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens