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Edvotek Detecting COVID-19 Using Reverse-Transcription PCR
About This Item
Edvotek's Reverse-Transcription PCR teaches students how to detect SARS-CoV-2 due to sensitivity, specificity, and feasibility of the test. In this activity, students will use Reverse-Transcription PCR to diagnose and monitor the spread of COVID-19. This experiment requires a PCR thermal cycler and is intended for 25 students working in 5 groups.Includes:
- Instructions
- PCR EdvoBeads Mix
- EdvoQuick DNA Ladder
- DNA Templates
- TE Buffer
- UltraSpec-Agarose
- TBE Electrophoresis Buffer powder
- SYBR Safe Stain
- FlashBlue DNA Stain
- Microcentrifuge and PCR Tubes
Grade Level:
Middle-High School
Maximum Age:
Maximum Grade Level: