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NewPath Learning Gene Cloning 3-D Model Kit, 1 Teacher Guide and 5 Student Guides

Item #: 2087423
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Models are powerful tools for teaching science as they provide useful simplifications of structures and processes, helping to make the unseen seen and the complex simple. Gene cloning is a powerful tool of molecular biology that can be used to manufacture proteins for medicines and for research.

With this interactive model, your students will make base pairs and combine them to make a model of plasmid. They then use it to learn about gene cloning or genetic engineering by carrying out a restriction enzyme digest and adding a gene insert. This insert can represent either the insulin or green fluorescent protein (GFP) genes. In the process, they’ll learn about plasmid structure, use of vectors, marker genes, restriction enzymes recognition sites, sticky ends, multiple cloning site and promoters.

The Model Making Kit includes enough materials for students to assemble up to 5 paper models working cooperatively. The comprehensive Teacher Resource Guide included provides illustrated readings, activities, key vocabulary and an assessment, along with teaching opportunities for students to Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend and Evaluate their understanding of the concepts presented.

  • 5 Sets of Student 3-D Model Templates
  • Teacher's Guide
Maximum Age: 18
Maximum Grade Level: 12
Product Dimensions: 14 x 10 x 0.5
Grade Level: Grades 6-12
SUOM Description: Each
Brand Name: NewPath Learning
Description: Gene Cloning Model
NewPath Learning Gene Cloning 3-D Model Kit, 1 Teacher Guide and 5 Student Guides