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ScienceFLEX Energy in the Web of Life, Reader Sample Pack, Pack of 4
About This Item
The Sun is the main source of energy used by nearly all living things on Earth. In the blink of an eye, the chameleon's sticky tongue snags the dragonfly. Yum! Guide students through an exciting exploration of the flow of energy through feeding relationships wrapped up in 5E lesson plans where students investigate through active learning, then apply their new knowledge to find out how invasive species disrupt this flow of energy. Leveled Readers are available in four Lexile Measures, distinguished by a color key on the back of each reader.Features
- Collection of two-to-six-page informational text articles, in magazine-style format
- Readers available in 4 Lexile levels per module
- Content is directly tied to the phenomenon explored in each lesson
Lexile Levels
Grade Level:
Grades 3-5
Maximum Grade Level:
Contains No Allergens