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Kemtec Introduction to Plant Cloning Science Kit
About This Item
Kemtec Introduction to Plant Cloning Kit is designed for grades 7 - 12 and assist students to propagate the carrot using sophisticated scientific techniques developed in large university research laboratory. The process includes generating plant by cloning that is an exciting and challenging experience which teaches the importance of sterile laboratory methods. The plant propagation by cloning is becoming more and more important in food as well as flower production.Includes:
- Instructor Manual
- MSDS Sheets
- Methods of Assessment Manual
- Special Needs Materials
- Petri Dishes
- Plastic Bags
- Carrot Seeds
- Plant Cloning CD
- Seed Germination Media
- Callus Initiation Media
- Shoot Induction Media
- and Silver Nitrate Solution
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
18 years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12