Innovating Science Potato Dextrose Agar Tubes, 12 Pack

Innovating Science Potato Dextrose Agar Tubes Pk/12, Item Number 2103856
Item #: 2103856
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PDA agar can be used for science fair projects or in class experiments because it has a wide range of growth and is safe to use!

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About This Item


Potato Dextrose agar is used for the cultivation of many types of fungi. Ideal for any microbiology lab.


  • Prefilled with potato dextrose agar
  • Black rubber lined phenolic caps
  • 12 prefilled tubes
  • 12 Tubes
Number Of Tests: 12
Maximum Age: 24
Maximum Grade Level: 16
Allergens: Contains No Allergens
Certifications: OSHA Compliant
Grade Level: High School-College
Safety: Caution Icon. No Choking Hazard
SUOM Description: Pack of 12
Brand Name: Innovating Science
Description: Potato Agar Tubes Pk/12
Material: Chemical
Innovating Science Potato Dextrose Agar Tubes, 12 Pack