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Johannes Lieder Thin Section Rocks and Minerals Slide Set II, Pack of 10
About This Item
Johannes Lieder Thin Section Rocks and Minerals Slide Set II includes preparations that are mounted with Canada balsam on slides 45 mm x 30 mm. The preparations are got ready by selecting rocks and minerals, later ground and polished to a thickness of 0.02 to 0.03 mm. Some of the rocks and minerals selected are granite, syenite, gabbro, basalt, gneiss, Micaschist, quartzite, marble, sandstone, limestone fossilized. For the observations of forms, colors, refractions and fossil inclusions, the slides can be observed with any normal microscope in transmitting light, sold as 10 per set.Features
- An entertaining and educational supplement to your geology unit
- Set of 10 offers a variety of species for your students to study
- Use with your lighted microscope to study the rocks and test the microscopes zoom and focus features
Grade Level:
Not Specified
Contains No Allergens
Not Applicable