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Kemtec Elementary Weather and Seasons
About This Item
Designed for co-teaching weather concepts across elementary grade levels. Students start with modeling temperatures on adjustable thermometers, and work up to temperature data collection, construction of a data table, and graphing weather data. Includes activities for measuring temperatures, making weather reports, predicting weather, and presenting weather data in various formats.Features
- Extends to graphing weather data by season, seasonal changes in the positions of the Earth relative to the sun, and comparing shadow lengths, and making sundials
- Allow 5 hours for instruction
- Lab activities are designed to extend throughout the school year
- Thermometers
- Adjustable Season Thermometers
- Demonstration Thermometers
- Retractable Tape Measures
- Straws
- Paper Plates
- Markers
Specialty Shops:
Teacher Favorite
Not Applicable
Grade Level:
Grades K-4