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NewPath Learning Life Cycles NGSS 2D Model Building Kit
About This Item
Provide students with the conceptual framework to comprehend key NGSS topics and achieve Performance Expectations! Using two-dimensional modeling activities, students learn to explain, rather than memorize, key concepts and use their simplified two-dimensional model representations to make predictions. Covers Growth and Development of Organisms to answer: What do all organisms have in common in their life cycles?; What are ways that different organism’s life cycles differ?; and What are ways different organisms have assured successful reproduction in their life cycles?.Features
- Hands-On Activities
- Engaging Graphics
- Understanding of Key NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas
- Students will be able to explain these key concepts
- 24 Model Building Sheets
- 24 Model Building Cutout Sheets
- 1 Laminated, "Write-On/Wipe-Off" Bulletin Board Chart
- Teacher's Guide
- Zippered, Polyester Storage Pouch
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
12 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 6