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Eisco Labs Plant Cell Model, 10000 Times Enlarged
About This Item
The detailed 3D rendering of a greatly magnified plant cell is hand painted with vibrantly colored cell structures and organelles. . .at up to 10,000 times larger than the real-life plant cell! Use for studying the structure and function of various features of a plant (like the cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplasts, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, vacuole, plasmodesmata, cytoskeleton, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, nuclear envelope, nucleolus, nucleus, and peroxisomes). Organelles are raised (and some are bisected) to show internal structures. Key features are colored and numbered for comparison with the key that is included. Full model measures 11-1/2 H x 8 W inches and rests on top of 7 x 10 inch base.
Product Dimensions:
11.5 in. H x 8 in. W
Maximum Age:
18 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Gsrade 12