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Neo/SCI Flower Cross-Section Plaque
About This Item
Neo/SCI Cross section Flower Plaque Model gives a generalized cross section of a flowering plant. Model feature structures such as stem, petal, stamen and pistil. Model in addition contains dissected anther so that pistil provides a view of the pollen tube, ovary and ovules. Model illustrates the process of double fertilization. Colorful model measuring 9.75 in x 2 in x 13 in includes comprehensive key card.Features
- Sold as an Each
- Colorful plaque provides a generalized cross section of a flowering plant for a detailed introduction to its structure and reproduction
- Featured structures include the petal, stem, pistil and stamen
- Additionally, the anther is dissected to reveal pollen while the pistil provides a view of the ovary, ovules and a pollen tube
- The process of double fertilization is also illustrated
Product Dimensions:
9-3/4 x 2 x 13 inches
Maximum Age:
18 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Gsrade 12