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Johannes Lieder General Biology Slide Series A, Set of 25
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Johannes Lieder General Biology Slide Series A, Set of 25 includes:- Amoeba proteus, w.m. showing nucleus and pseudopodia
- Hydra, w.m. extended specimen to show foot, body, mouth, and tentacles
- Lumbricus, earthworm, typical t.s. back of clitellum showing muscular wall, intestine, typhlosole, nephridia etc.
- Daphnia and Cyclops, small crustaceans from fresh water
- Musca domestica, house fly, head and mouth parts (proboscis) w.m.
- Musca domestica, leg with clinging pads (pulvilli)
- Apis mellifica, honey bee, anterior and posterior wing
- Squamous epithelium, isolated cells from human mouth
- Striated muscle, l.s. showing nuclei and striations
- Compact bone, t.s. special stained for cells, lamellae, and canaliculi
- Human scalp, vertical section showing l.s. of hair follicles, sebaceous glands, epidermis
- Human blood smear, stained for red and white corpuscles
- Bacteria from mouth, smear Gram stained showing bacilli, cocci, spirilli, spirochaetes Diatoms, strewn slide of mixed species
- Spirogyra, vegetative filaments with spiral chloroplasts
- Mucor or Rhizopus, mold, w.m. of mycelium and sporangia
- Moss stem with leaves w.m.
- Ranunculus, buttercup, typical dicot root t.s., central stele
- Zea mays, corn, monocot stem with scattered bundles t.s.
- Helianthus, sunflower, typical herbaceous dicot stem t.s.
- Syringa, lilac, leaf t.s. showing epidermis, palisade parenchyma, spongy parenchyma, vascular bundles
- Lilium, lily, anthers with pollen grains and pollen sacs t.s.
- Lilium, ovary t.s. showing arrangement of ovules
- Allium cepa, onion, w.m. of epidermis shows simple plant cells with cell walls, nuclei, and cytoplasm
- Allium cepa, l.s. of root tips showing cell divisions (mitosis) in all stages, carefully stained
- Set a features 25 slides in the following categories: Bacteria, Cryptograms (spore-bearing plants and fungi), human and Mammalian Histology, Phanerogams (seed-bearing plants), Zoology
Not Applicable
Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens