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Easy-Read Partial Immersion Spirit Thermometer, 300 mm, -20 to 110 Degrees Celsius, Yellow
About This Item
This Easy-Read Partial Immersion Spirit Thermometer makes a great addition to science supplies in educational and professional settings. It covers the temperature range of -20 to 110 degrees Celsius in 1 degree increments, and the lead-free glass features fused black markings. It provides a great alternative to mercury-filled thermometers because it is filled with black-dyed Enviro-Safe liquid that is non-toxic, non-hazardous, and biodegradable. The black liquid creates a maximum contrast against a yellow background for improved readability. The thermometer measures 300 mm in length.Features
- Non-toxic, non-hazardous, biodegradable Enviro-Safe EnviroKleen certified black liquid provides a safer alternative to traditional mecury thermometers
- Provides accuracy equivalent to mercury thermometers
- Black liquid against yellow glass provides the highest contrast combination for ease of readability and prevention of reading errors
- Suitable for use in chemical/petrochemical laboratories, universities, scientific institutions, food and beverage processing, and the pharmaceutical/medical industry
- Ideal apparatus for use in any science curriculum or laboratory setting
- 1 Spirit Thermometer
1 deg C
Maximum Age:
18 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12