About This Item
Teaching electronics can be a daunting task no matter what level student teachers are working with. Choosing the various components, creating projects and activities, as well as designing lesson plans and materials can be overwhelming. The Circuits 101 Classroom line was designed as a complete classroom solution for teaching electronics. Not only do teachers receive a robust set of materials to use but they also receive lesson plans, projects, activities, diagrams, and videos. All Crazy Circuits Kits and Classroom Sets require no soldering. Parts are connected in a brick-based building environment via special Maker Tape conductive tape. Everything needed is included and the only additional tool for teachers to provide is scissors.Features
- Teachers can easily hand out the boxes
- Free curriculum and resources to quickly and easily run lessons
- Each student box is a complete set of supplies intended for one group of students
- Curriculum is always being updated and improved upon
- 1 Teacher Box with Extra Materials
- Free Teacher-approved Curriculum, Lesson Plans, Videos, and Diagrams
- 1 Maker Tape Conductive Tape
- 27+ Parts including LEDs, Buttons, Switches, Motor, Transistor, and Light Sensor
- Batteries Included
- Durable Plastic Organizers
- Information Cards for all our Crazy Circuits Components.
Contains No Allergens
Not Applicable
Grade Level:
Grades 5-12

SUOM Description:
Brand Name:
Brown Dog Gadgets
Circuits 101 Set Single Box
Crazy Circuits Classroom Set, Circuits 101, Single Student Box