Teaching programming to new learners can be a difficult task. The Circuits 101 Classroom line was designed as a complete classroom solution for teaching electronics. We give teachers a robust set of materials to use and provide lesson plans, projects, activities, diagrams, and videos to reinforce the lessons being presented.
Free curriculum and resources to quickly and easily run lessons
Curriculum is always being updated and improved upon
Classroom set requires no soldering
The only additional tools you'll need are scissors and a computer to manipulate code
1 Teacher Box with Additional Supplies
Free Teacher-approved Curriculum, Lesson Plans, Videos, and Diagrams
1 Maker Tape Brand Conductive Tape
Squishy Circuits Dough
Free software
43+ Parts
Distance Sensors, Light Sensors, Humidity Sensors, and Temperature Sensors
Classroom-ready Packaging in Heavy-duty Plastic Containers
Informational Cards with Part Explanations and Example Circuits
Contains No Allergens
Not Applicable
Grade Level:
Grades 5-12
SUOM Description:
Brand Name:
Brown Dog Gadgets
Programming 101 10 Pack
Crazy Circuits Classroom Set , Programming 101, 10 Pack