Welcome to the New and Improved Way to Shop School Specialty
You’re Just A Few Quick Steps Away From Your New and Improved Shopping Experience For Your Shared User(s)
You have been designated as the administrator of the Shared User logins listed in your email. A website Administrator must follow these instructions to reset the password for these users. Note: if you follow these instructions and find you do not have access to “Users” this means you do not have Administrator permissions. In that case, please notify your website’s Administrator or forward your email notification to your Administrator. If you have any questions, contact School Specialty at WebSupport@SchoolSpecialty.com or call 800.513.2465.
Users with Administrator Access are the only users who can reset Shared User passwords.
- Sign In to your Administrator Account
- Click My Dashboard
- Select Users from the left navigation
- Find the Shared User for which you wish to reset the password. Search by name or filter by Location. The user will be listed with the Shared User Role. You will also see the Email Address associated with the user.
If you would like to send the password reset information to the email currently associated with the user, just click FORCE PASSWORD RESET. This will trigger an email to be sent to the email associated with the account which will include links and instructions to reset the password.
- Note: The Validation Code will expire after 30 minutes. If the code has expired, the user will see instructions on how they can request a new code. When using this email to reset the password on the shared user you must Log Out of the School Specialty website before resetting the password. If not, an error message will display.
- If you would like to change the email address associated with the user, scroll down to view the email listed, update the email address and click SAVE CHANGES. Then click FORCE PASSWORD RESET.
- Note: We recommend you associate the email address of the Shared User’s designated approver with the login.