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Shell Education 180 Days of Math for Eighth Grade
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Build advanced mathematics skills with 180 Days of Math For Eighth Grade, a workbook of effective and meaningful daily practice activities.
About This Item
This easy-to-use eighth grade workbook is perfect for classroom instruction and at-home learning, reinforcing skills learned in school. Watch students learn to tackle complex math problems more confidently with these standards-based learning activities. This activity book incorporates thematic units and provides digital math learning resources. The practice book also includes modeling pages to explain important concepts and useful sidebars to extend learning. Parents appreciate the higher-level math concepts and engaging practice pages students will enjoy. The daily math practice and review components are ideal to reinforce what was taught in school, or to prevent learning loss over summer. Teachers rely on these workbooks to save them valuable time and address learning gaps.Features
- Includes student practice pages and modeling pages to explain complex concepts, with helpful sidebars to extend learning
- Incorporates thematic learning with units that focus on specific topics such as statistics and probability
- Makes whole class instruction, small group support and individual tutoring easy and quick
- Fosters hands-on learning and problem solving with digital math learning resources
- 1 Workbook and Digital Resources
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