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Sportime Fruit 'n Veg Toss, Set of 12

FlagHouse Fruit 'n Veg Toss 2119899
Item #: 2119899
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In Stock - Typically Ships Within 2-3 Days
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About This Item


Toss up a healthy addition to your throw-and-catch menu! Assorted "fruits" and "vegetables" are easy to handle. Wipeable poly-urethane surface makes cleanup a snap!
  • 6 Toss-able Vegetables
  • 6 Toss-able Fruits
Product Dimensions: Assorted
Specialty Shops: FlagHouse
SUOM Description: Set of 12
Brand Name: Sportime
Description: Vegetable and Fruit Set
Material: Polyurethane Foam
Color: Assorted
Sportime Fruit 'n Veg Toss, Set of 12