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Snoezelen Musical Positioning Cushion, 53 x 37 x 23-1/2 Inches, Orange

Image for Snoezelen Musical Positioning Cushion, 53 x 37 x 23-1/2 Inches, Orange from School Specialty
Item #: 2123505
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A complete multisensory oasis found in a simple beanbag body, equipped with music-responsive vibration. The perfect soothing experience for your care center or educational space. Available in orange.

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About This Item


Classic and supportive beanbag experience lends even more soothing support complete with music and subtle vibration. Perfect for vibroacoustic therapy, this supportcombines the comfortable support of beanbag positioning with deep music-responsive vibration. A great complement to preexisting sensory rooms, or can create a sensory space in your classroom or care center. Can fit two seated people. Requires stereo system, item 2120338, for music output (sold separately). Easy to wipe clean. Dimensions are 53 W x 37 D x 23-1/2 H inches. Available in orange.


  • Beanbag molds to fit the body, providing a safe and secure seating experience
  • Music-responsive vibration provides a multisensory soothing experience perfect for those with sensory processing disorders
  • Lightweight and easy to pull out for a quick calming furniture solution
  • Encased in vinyl for a durable, easy-to-clean surface
  • One year warranty provided by manufacturer
  • 1 Beanbag Chair
Allergens: Contains No Allergens
Certifications: Not Applicable
Specialty Shops: FlagHouse
Safety: Caution Icon. No Choking Hazard
SUOM Description: Each
Brand Name: Snoezelen
Description: Musical Positioning Cushion
Color: Orange
Snoezelen Musical Positioning Cushion, 53 x 37 x 23-1/2 Inches, Orange